Friday, March 16, 2012


Page One: Dry Media
Top Left: Angry
Top Right: Sadness
Bottom Left: Happy
Bottom Right: Love

Page 2: Wet Media
Top: Look
Bottom: To Paint

Page 2 Continued: Wet Media
Top: Climb
Bottom: Drop

Page Three: Dry Media
Top Left: Gesture Pencil
Top Right: Gesture Marker
Bottom Left: Contour
Bottom Right: Blind Contour

Page Four: Wet and Dry Media
Top Left: Water Color
Top Right: Pencil
Bottom Left: Pencil
Bottom Right: Marker

This weeks project was interesting and fun. The hardest part of the project was thinking of how to display emotions with line and my perception of how I would interpret how to "draw" and emotion. I think this is a matter of how each person may perceive a way to describe an emotion. For example, I used line to create a cross, which to me depicts Jesus's unconditional love towards humans and showing that love by giving his own life for us. I also used a pattern which resembles a hear pattern which is a pretty common display of love that many people relate to.

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