Saturday, April 28, 2012

This is my project for Heavy Metal Music Revival. I feel that over the past several years too much of the music industry has gone main stream and heavy metal music has slowly faded out.
 The pictures arent that good but I will be able to post a better picture on Monday...just wanted to have it posted before Sunday.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Color Project

Here is my color wheel and hue scales for this week. Some of the colors are a little hard to see due to my camera but there isnt much I can do short of a new camera !!

Hue Test

I think im color

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 12 : Value

This project was quite interesting and I had alot of fun working this up in Gimp. It was a bit difficult at times to determine the proper value to use for giving detail for shading and dimension. I think it turned out quite well.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Space - Aerial Perspective

This picture of a canyon is a good example of aerial perspective. We can see with this example how the detail of the canyon walls and such are very distinct in the foreground with rich colors of earthy reds and browns, but as the image fades into the background the details of the crevices and the walls fade out of focus and seem to just become shades of darker greys and blues. As you can see on the horizon, there is no distinct detail seen only the darker outlines of the peaks and the walls.

Space - Exaggerated Size

This image of a full moon rising over the horizon is from a role-playing game involving werewolves. The seemingly massive moon utilizes exaggerated size to create the visual sense of illusionary space. The moon is appears massive and overwhelming rising above the horizon of trees that look abnormally small against the rising moon behind them.

Space - Linear Perspective

 I found several images online by this particular artist that uses linear perspective in his designs. With this sense of space the images give a sense of the object moving off into the horizon to a vanishing point, or perhaps the balls falling down into a hole or flying off into a tunnel.

Motion - Blurred Lines

In this screen shot of two race cars, we can see how the use of blurred lines can create the sense of motion. The cars appear to be moving quickly around the track because all around the actual cars, everything else is blurred and the track seems to “streak”. Even the tires are blurred giving further implication of the cars moving.

Motion - cropped image

In this image of an advertisement for Nike running shoes, you can see the use of a cropped image to give a sense of motion in the picture.  The positioning/posture of the legs give a strong visualization that the person is running. The front foot and leg is further cropped to give a further and stronger sense of the person running off the image.

Motion - multiple images

This image is an example of usage of multiple images to show motion. In this example of dancer, Patricia McBride, you see a sequence of different, overlapping  poses and a slight change in the position of the body, particularly the arms and legs. This visual effect implies a strong sense of motion.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pattern and Texture

Here is my texture and grayscale project for this week. Here is what I used for textures and patterns from left to right, top to bottom:

1) An old patterned seat cushion ( thinkin like 1970' )
2) Carpet padding
3) My laptop/messenger bag
4) Paper shavings used for packing
5) A pillow case cover
6) A piece of carpet
7) Christmas wrapping paper
8) A pair of camo shorts
9) Crinkled aluminum foil
10) A bandana
11) A leopard pattern bed spread
12) A wash cloth
13) The top of a "designer" gift box
14) Bubblewrap
15) Crumbled piece of construction paper

The grayscale was a bit tricky because sometimes the paaterns or textures appeared light or darker when I kept switching them around. Still not 100% sure I got it correct ?!?!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shape / Volume Week 9 Project

For this weeks project I used a chair with 3 swords in different positions. I found this project to be pretty fun and it was interesting in figuring out the different ways of changing the image to expose the negative in black adn the positive in all white.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Idealistic Shapes

I really like this image as an example of idealistic. It portrays a sense of how we may perceive a sense of perfection. The shape of her body and in my opinion even the pose gives a sense of how we may interpret idealism. You dont see any imperfections on the skin and even the hair style looks to have been styled.

Nonobjective Shapes

I thisnk this image is a good example of nonobjective shapes, because the image itself doesnt really give a definitive representation of anything. There is no real expression of a theme or what the artist was trying to portray. You can see very random obhects in the image such as a guitar, a bowl of fruit, and something that looks like a chess piece.

Abstract Shapes

We understand abstract to be a distortion of something "real". This image is an example of abstract shapes. In the lower left corner you can see what appears to be a distorted face. I can also see what looks to me like a sort of tower with a beaming light on the right of the image.

Naturalistic Shapes

In this image, this object to me has a clear depiction of a naturalistic shape. It represents something that appears to be "visually real" even though it is only a representation of mushrooms growing in nature.

Curvilinear Shapes

This image is a strong interpretation of curvilinear shapes. It has that "natural" look and the use of flowing and curving lines.

Rectilinear Shapes

I chose this image for rectilinear because after doing a little research I found that a particular artist, Piet Mondrian, did alot of artowork using rectilinear shapes. This is an example of his work. As you can see the image clearly defines use of straight lines which is very typical with rectilinear shapes.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Page One: Dry Media
Top Left: Angry
Top Right: Sadness
Bottom Left: Happy
Bottom Right: Love

Page 2: Wet Media
Top: Look
Bottom: To Paint

Page 2 Continued: Wet Media
Top: Climb
Bottom: Drop

Page Three: Dry Media
Top Left: Gesture Pencil
Top Right: Gesture Marker
Bottom Left: Contour
Bottom Right: Blind Contour

Page Four: Wet and Dry Media
Top Left: Water Color
Top Right: Pencil
Bottom Left: Pencil
Bottom Right: Marker

This weeks project was interesting and fun. The hardest part of the project was thinking of how to display emotions with line and my perception of how I would interpret how to "draw" and emotion. I think this is a matter of how each person may perceive a way to describe an emotion. For example, I used line to create a cross, which to me depicts Jesus's unconditional love towards humans and showing that love by giving his own life for us. I also used a pattern which resembles a hear pattern which is a pretty common display of love that many people relate to.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rhythm...Round 2 !!

This is my revised Rhythm project. I had a really hard time trying to figure this one out and even when I thought I had it..apparently not..hehehehe So, this is my second attempt at the project and I hope I got a better idea of what was required. I got some really interesting points from my fellow classmates and from Sarah.

Fifth Design ( Warmth/Heat )

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Balance in the Kitchen

This is my design concept for balance. The second picture..the negative, has been revised per request of Sarah. I originally only had the negative to resemble the positive.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

City Invasion !!

This is my second attempt at creating a surreal collage. In this image I created what appears to be an invasion by aliens, giants and beasts. You can see the obvious distortion in scale and proporion with the man monster holding the woman in the palm of his hand, to the giant spider perched on the building top and the alien invasion occuring in the air and on the ground. My focal point seems to me to be the man but my eyes are drawn to the right to the shining bluish buildings to the left.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Absence of Focal Point

In this image we see an abvoius absence of a focal point. The image is a series of grid like patterns and designs with similar colors being used throughout the image. Your attention isn't drawn to any one point or place in the image.

One Element

This image is an add for what I believe was a music album. In this image we see emphasis through the use of one element. The single element in this is the red A in the neon sign. The image in mainly grewys and whites with the exception of the red A that draws your attention as a focal point. I believe this could also be used as emphasis through contrast.


This is an image from an art gallery I found online. In this image you see emphasis on a focal point through placement. The colored and black curved lines draw your attention to the white circle in the upper right corner.


In this image I pulled form the internet creates emphasis through isolation. In the image you see several yellow balls with smiley faces, but your attention is drawn to the read ball with a frown. The red ball is the only one in the image surrounded by yellow balls, so this is usage of isolation. If the red ball was yellow and smiling like all the others there would be no clear focal point.


In this image the photographer creates a focal poit through contrast. The person that appears to be jumping draws your attention because it stands out in the white of the sky being seen through the rocks. The darkness of the rocks and the white of the sky create the contrast and in the middle of it you see the person.

Monday, February 6, 2012

In this image you can see jars of jelly lined up on a store shelf. The photographer focuses in on one particular jar that draws your eyes to that jar. Your eyes are drawn to that jar because it is in focus and clearly visible to read the label, while the other jars are blurry. It almost appears as though the jar is also sitting out a little bit more than the others on the shelf to help draw more visual attention, but I cant really tell if that's the case. It may just be my eyes playing tricks on me ?!?!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Figurative expression of unity

This example represents figurative expression of unity. The women in the flowing dresses seem to "interconnect" in a way that creates unity in the image. The women themselves are connected by the crossing of arms and touching of hips.

Non-objective expression of unity

This is an image of non-objective unity. There is no specific representation of a person, place or thing, but rather a usage of shapes and colors that are arranged to meet in the cneter of the piece. It creates unity with the placement of the colored shapes in a repeating pattern.

Unreadable chaos

This image was found on a music website that was having a contest for the winner to be able to interpret what the logo says. This is actually a logo of a hevy metal band! This to me is a  very obvious usage of chaotic and unreadable imagery. I have no idea what this says..can you figure it out ??

Grids and organizing factors

As we all know this is a rubiks cube. I found this to be a grid with an organizational pattern. The blocks of colors are set up in a grid pattern to create a specific design of color patterns on each side. Each block of the cube is to be manipulated to create a solid color pattern for each side.


This image is from a furniture designer's website. I found examples of continuation with the color patterns but it is really emphasized with the edge pattern of the piece that draws your eye to follow the pattern almost like you are following a maze pattern.

Repetition and variety

In this image you see an example of repetition with emphasis on variety. This image is a sample of artowrk found in a website called Ameliyah Designs. This design concept uses repetition with the continual pattern of the metal tins set in rows, but the varieation is in the usage of the colors and patterns set within the tins.

Similar repetition

This is an example of repetition with emphasis on similarity. This is a picture of what appears to be a walkway of sorts. As you can see the repeating sections of the archway and the lanterns on the walls. This pattern is an obvious usage of repetition but you can also see the unity it creates by the flowing design.


This is an example of a proximity/unity design concept. This photograph is a bunch of stones covered in crochet. I found this on a website that showed a variety of different pieces for sale by various artists. I believbe this represents unity through proximity because it draws your attention to the "mass" of the objects.

Monday, January 23, 2012

2-dimensional design ideas

I think a really cool idea or concept for something in 2-dimensional design would be something with a "tribal" design. I have always found tribal designs especially tattoo work to be really interesting. I have a couple tribal tattoos myself and would like to get more !!