Sunday, February 26, 2012

Balance in the Kitchen

This is my design concept for balance. The second picture..the negative, has been revised per request of Sarah. I originally only had the negative to resemble the positive.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

City Invasion !!

This is my second attempt at creating a surreal collage. In this image I created what appears to be an invasion by aliens, giants and beasts. You can see the obvious distortion in scale and proporion with the man monster holding the woman in the palm of his hand, to the giant spider perched on the building top and the alien invasion occuring in the air and on the ground. My focal point seems to me to be the man but my eyes are drawn to the right to the shining bluish buildings to the left.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Absence of Focal Point

In this image we see an abvoius absence of a focal point. The image is a series of grid like patterns and designs with similar colors being used throughout the image. Your attention isn't drawn to any one point or place in the image.

One Element

This image is an add for what I believe was a music album. In this image we see emphasis through the use of one element. The single element in this is the red A in the neon sign. The image in mainly grewys and whites with the exception of the red A that draws your attention as a focal point. I believe this could also be used as emphasis through contrast.


This is an image from an art gallery I found online. In this image you see emphasis on a focal point through placement. The colored and black curved lines draw your attention to the white circle in the upper right corner.


In this image I pulled form the internet creates emphasis through isolation. In the image you see several yellow balls with smiley faces, but your attention is drawn to the read ball with a frown. The red ball is the only one in the image surrounded by yellow balls, so this is usage of isolation. If the red ball was yellow and smiling like all the others there would be no clear focal point.


In this image the photographer creates a focal poit through contrast. The person that appears to be jumping draws your attention because it stands out in the white of the sky being seen through the rocks. The darkness of the rocks and the white of the sky create the contrast and in the middle of it you see the person.

Monday, February 6, 2012

In this image you can see jars of jelly lined up on a store shelf. The photographer focuses in on one particular jar that draws your eyes to that jar. Your eyes are drawn to that jar because it is in focus and clearly visible to read the label, while the other jars are blurry. It almost appears as though the jar is also sitting out a little bit more than the others on the shelf to help draw more visual attention, but I cant really tell if that's the case. It may just be my eyes playing tricks on me ?!?!